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10 Tactics to Increase Your Websites Conversion Rates

Google Ads is often perceived as straightforward: Add keywords and an Ad and be visible on every searches day and night. However, the reality is much more complex.


Feb 8, 2024



Reading time

3 min

10 tactics to increase website conversion rates

Introduction text goes here, it can be about setting context addressing pain points and priming on how the below tactics are sure-shot way to improve a landing page conversion rates

#1 Smaller commitments:

Think about how you’re getting your opt-ins. Using a series of smaller commitments, instead of one large one, can be more efficacious, as it plays into a user’s sense of self-identity. For example, you could try asking small questions, like the old sales technique of getting a customer to start saying yes. Instead of just asking for a user’s email address right away, ask if they’re interested in looking around, then follow that with a prompt to see more content, then follow that with a request for their email.

#2 Try scarcity instead of abundance:

When there is less of anything, we tend to value it more. Scarcity suggests there was once more of something, today there is less of it, and tomorrow it might shrink yet even further. Think of a wholesale store vs. a boutique one and then look at how their pricing often compares. Then think back to the wholesaler and notice one scarcity strategy that they apply nevertheless, in light of having a wider product offering. Some wholesalers or mega retailers will actually do limited products that are only available until they are bought out, without replenishing the supply. In software, we often forget about scarcity because more often than not, bits and bytes can be so easily duplicated and there is so much abundance with the help of copy-paste. Nevertheless, in the world of UI, scarcity can still be used to show limits or bottlenecks that relate to the real world. Think of the limits behind the number of tickets you can sell to a webinar, the number of clients you can service in a month, or the number physical products you might have before the next batch is produced. All these things can be shown to the user to evoke action while being more informed. Think supply and demand. Think less is more%)

#3 Being direct:

Be direct with your landing page and CTA button copy. Rather than using flowery or roundabout language, get to the point quickly and authoritatively. This sends a clearer, stronger message to visitors that they should pay attention and sign up.

#4 Influencer testimonials:

Try adding testimonials from industry influencers to your page. Reach out to influencers that use your product or that you have a close relationship with and ask them to give a brief testimonial. People who know and value the opinions of the influencer will come to see you as more trustworthy. This increases social proof and therefore conversion

#5 Selling benefits:

Sell benefits instead of features. A benefit solves a higher order need and will convince a user to pay more. For example, you don't purchase a disposable camera because it's cheap, but rather because you want to capture memories without stressing about valuable equipment

#6 Match CTA to traffic “Temperature”:

Different traffic sources have different levels of intent to buy. Retargeted customers are much more likely to buy, so a weak call to action or too much information can actually convince them otherwise - you should go strong with a more forceful call to action. On the flipside, if a prospect has never heard of you they would need a much more gentle introduction and a softer call to action is necessary.

#7 Benefit Button:

Instead of going with simple task-based button descriptions like ‘Register’, try going with something that highlights the benefit of signing up to visitors. For example, if you’re a productivity app, saying ‘Simplify my workflow’ rather than ‘Sign up’ can be more appealing and lead to higher conversion.

#8 Adding Urgency:

You might add urgency to your copy. Urgency is a word that gives some people pause: of course it reminds you of a cheap voice-over announcing “Quick! While supplies last!” With that said, that if used correctly, urgency is a highly effective marketing tactic. Using implied urgency, adding a time-sensitive incentive, or mentioning the quantity of product available are all examples of strategies that can cause a jump in conversion rate.

#9 Quantity Social Proof:

Try listing the total number of people using your product to increase trust and therefore conversion. X many people can't be wrong! Try experimenting with a rolling number, a precise number or a number rounded up to the nearest hundred / thousand / million to see what converts best.

#10 Less Choice:

Give a visitor less choice, instead of too many options. Too much choice can limit conversions: The more options you give a potential customer, the harder their decision-making process becomes. Barry Schwartz’s famous Ted Talk on the Paradox of Choice gives a great overview of how too much choice can lead to over-analysis and buyer’s remorse. There is an argument to be made that giving the customer a lot of choice can be freeing for them, but as with all solutions, the best approach is probably to rigorously test each hypothesis.

About the author

I am Manohar, founder of Slingorbit Agency, I write about Google ads, Bing ads, Google analytics, and everything PPC

About the author

I am Manohar, founder of Slingorbit Agency, I write about Google ads, Bing ads, Google analytics, and everything PPC

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